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Wireless / Wifi Related Information, How-To’s, Tips, Tools, and Guides


Open a terminal

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade


Note your wireless adapters…if any are installed


Note the USB devices on the pi. You will not see the ALFA wifi device

Next type

sudo apt-get install realtek-rtl88xxau-dkms

Drivers will install, this may take a few minutes.

Once it is done type the following


You will now see the Realtek Adapter


You will now see your ALFA wireless card

Install ALFA AWUS036ACH Drivers on Ubuntu 18.04

Simple Command To Install Alfa Drivers

Open a terminal and escalate your privelages

sudo bash

apt install wireless-tools


Note your wireless adapters…if any are installed

apt-get install realtek-rtl8812au-dkms

Drivers will install, this may take a few minutes.

Once it is done type the following


You will now see your ALFA wireless card

Testing and Securing Against a WPS Attack

How To Check If You Are Vulnerable, and Then Secure Your Network

First you will want to download and install reaver, wash and airmon-ng.  If you are running Kali or Parrot, it is already there.  You will also need a wireless adapter that is capable of packet injection.  Assuming you have those, you will want to open a terminal and run the following

sudo bash


Note which adapter is your wireless card, that is capable of packet injection.  For the rest of this, lets assume it is wlan0.

airmon-ng check kill

wash -i wlan0

Note the BSSID of your Wireless Access Point / Wireless Router

reaver -i wlan0 -b MacAddressOfMyRouter -vv 

After some time my router/ap gave up the ghost.  It showed my WPS pin.  I am running a wireless router with a Broadcom chip, which is susceptible.

To fix this, I had to log into my wireless router, navigate to the WPS settings, and I changed it from Enabled to Disabled.  I saved the settings, and voila…I haven’t been able to crack the WPS pin again

Install Alfa AWUS036ACH Drivers on ParrotOS

Simple Command To Install Alfa Drivers

Open a terminal and escalate your privelages

sudo bash


Note your wireless adapters…if any are installed

apt-get install realtek-rtl88xxau-dkms

Drivers will install, this may take a few minutes.

Once it is done type the following


You will now see your ALFA wireless card



Increasing the power of your YAGI Antenna

Simple Way To Increase The Power of Your Antenna

If you live in a country where this is acceptable, such as Belize, you can increase the power of your antenna by simply changing the country code within your wireless config.

To do check the current power of your adapter, run

iwconfig (adapter)

Where you change (adapter) for the actual adapter you have.  Ex:

iwconfig wlan2

Look for the line that shows Tx-Power= and note what your dBm is running at.  This will give you a baseline for your existing setup.

Then to change it and increase the power, type in the following to change it to your country code if you are in Belize (which allows this)

iw reg set BZ

iwconfig wlan2 txpower 40

You can then run the following command and see how your Tx-Power has changed

iwconfig wlan2