HUSH Wallet Continually Fails to Start
Updating the wallet to the latest version 0.72 causes an error where the daemon continually fails to start and you can wait or close the wallet. To fix the error on Windows 10, perform the following:
Open up your Windows Explorer and navigate to the root of C:\
In the Search Box, type hushd.exe and hit Enter
When the file is found, right click on it and select Open Folder Location
Select the full path in the bar at the top and copy it. It will be something like C:\Program Files\hush\etc…..
Now open a command prompt
Type cd C:\Program Files\hush\etc….. (here you will put your actual path in instead of mine C:\Program Files\hush\etc…..)
Once you are there type in the following:
start hushd.exe -daemon -reindex
Now leave the black boxes open, and Open your HUSH Wallet.
You should see the blockchain begin to download all over again. This will allow you to get access to the wallet, once everything is synchronized