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Installing RX 480 Nitro Drivers in Kali

  • Kali

Navigating Around the Unsupported OS Issue for the AMD Drivers

On your Kali box, you will want to go to the AMD Driver download page for the RX 480 Cards

Once there you will want to download the UBUNTU Drivers

After the download completes, open a Terminal

Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the drivers and type


cd to the amd driver directory

nano amdgpu-pro-install

ctrl +w and search for ubuntu

After the ubuntu | linuxmint | debian text, insert | kali

So the line will look like
ubuntu | linuxmint | debian | kali

Save the file and exit

Type the following to install the drivers, and it should go through now. If you encounter any errors, you may need to repair and reinstall the drivers

./amdgpu-pro-install -y –opencl=legacy

Mining using AMD RX480 Nitro & RX580 Nitro on Ubuntu

How-To Guide for mining with the AMD Series cards on Ubuntu Server 16.04.04

This guide assumes you already have the Rig built, and Ubuntu Server 16.04.04 installed on it.  Once the rig boots to the terminal, this guide begins.  I am going to install everything as root, yes there are reasons why you should and should not do it that way.  I just prefer to get it up and running as quickly as possible.  I do not store anything on my miners, and you should not either.  Keep your wallets off your mining rig.  Keep your coins secure.  Keep your miners with limited data on them, so you can wipe and reinstall on the fly if you need.

Once Install Ubuntu 16.04 Server is installed type the following in bold as they appear

sudo bash


apt-get install openssh-server

Now you can use your laptop/desktop and log into the server.  Download putty, and connect to the server via it’s IP or Server Name.  My Username Name is tacticalware, so you can change everywhere you see tacticalware listed, you will change that to the username of the account you are logged in as

sudo bash

apt-get update

apt-get upgrade

apt install git screen nmap ncdu busybox inxi clinfo links unzip python xorg xserver-xorg-legacy xserver-xorg-video-dummy libcurl3

systemctl disable lightdm.service

mkdir /miner && mkdir /miner/drivers && mkdir /miner/drivers/amd && cd /miner/drivers/amd

Download the drivers from on a laptop

Now use Winscp on the laptop to copy the drivers to the Ubuntu Server

cd /home/tacticalware/ && cp ./* /miner/drivers/amd/ && cd /miner/drivers/amd/

The version I downloaded and used was amdgpu-pro-17.30-458935.tar.xz … you will need to change that part of the name to the version you have

tar -Jxvf amdgpu-pro-17.30-458935.tar.xz && cd amdgpu-pro-17.30-458935 && ./amdgpu-pro-install -y

usermod -a -G video $LOGNAME

Download the SDK from here to your laptop

Winscp it to the server

Move the SDK from your home directory to /miner/drivers/amd

tar xf AMD-APP-SDKInstaller-v3.0.130.136-GA-linux64.tar.bz2 && ./


Log back into the server now

sudo bash


clinfo | grep compute

nano /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config

delete the last line:

insert at end of file:


Create a new file for operating without a monitor:

nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Section “ServerLayout”
Identifier “ Configured”
Screen 0 “Screen8” 0 0

Section “Files”
ModulePath “/usr/lib/xorg/modules”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/:unscaled”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/:unscaled”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/X11/Type1”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi”
FontPath “built-ins”

Section “Device”
### Available Driver options are:-
### Values: <i>: integer, <f>: float, <bool>: “True”/”False”,
### <string>: “String”, <freq>: “<f> Hz/kHz/MHz”,
### <percent>: “<f>%”
### [arg]: arg optional
#Option “ShadowFB” # [<bool>]
#Option “DefaultRefresh” # [<bool>]
#Option “ModeSetClearScreen” # [<bool>]
Identifier “Card8”
Driver “dummy”
VideoRam 16384

Section “Monitor”
Identifier “Monitor8”
HorizSync 15.0-100.0
VertRefresh 15.0-200.0
Modeline “1600×900” 33.92 1600 1632 1760 1792 900 921 924 946

Section “Screen”
Identifier “Screen8”
Device “Card8”
Monitor “Monitor8”
SubSection “Display”
Viewport 0 0
Depth 24
Virtual 1600 900

Save the file and exit

cd /home/tacticalware/

nano .bashrc

Add the following at end of .bashrc

export DISPLAY=:0

Save the file and exit

nano /etc/profile

Add the following at end of /etc/profile:
export XAUTHORITY=~/.Xauthority

Save the file and exit

nano .xinitrc

DISPLAY=:0 && xterm -geometry +1+1 -n login

Save the file and exit

cd /miner/drivers/ && mkdir claymore && cd /miner/drivers/claymore

On your laptop download Claymore from

Winscp it to the mining rig

Move it to /miner/drivers/claymore

tar zxvf the file


xinit &
sleep 5
export GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR=1
export GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE=100

./zecminer64 -zpool -zwal t1QYSbLrnbECDu76KDcvoyjBbbhsuWxZXWm.miner20 -zpsw x

Save the file and exit

chmod +x

Update config.txt file, also modify epool and dpool with your wallet info and remove default dev info

Save the files

screen ./

Now you will want to watch for issues

You can close putty whenever, it does not need to be open for your miner to work, and if you want to reattach a screen, log back in using putty and type

screen -r

Mining LOKI on Windows 10 with AMD RX Cards

How-to Guide for Mining LOKI

Quick rundown on how to mine a new crypto named LOKI or LOK as some of you may know it as.  I mine it with both NVidia and AMD series cards.  This guide will walk you through mining it with AMD RX Series cards

The mining software will throw errors with your AV program.  You will need to whitelist the files when they are downloaded, or disable Realtime Protection..  Personally, I only use Windows Defender on my mining rigs, so I can keep the costs down, plus it is easy to wipe and reinstall the OS if need be.

For Windows Defender, you will need to open the program up, and disable Realtime Protection

If you are using Chrome as your Browser, you will also need to allow the download there as well.  To do this:

Open up Chrome

In your address bar type in chrome://settings and press Enter

Scroll to the bottom and select Advanced

De-Select “Protect your device from dangerous sites” 

Now you can download the software

Open up another chrome tab and download XMR-STAK to your Windows 10 computer from here:

Once you have it downloaded, go ahead and unzip the file to your Desktop

Navigate to the unpacked files

Double click on xmr-stak and Run the file

You will need to insert a port for monitoring the progress.  I use port 30131 and press Enter

Next type in cryptonight_heavy and press Enter

For the pool address, I use  press Enter

Your username will be your wallet address, for example


Your password will be your worker name.  For example mine is Miner6

Your Rig Identifier can be empty, so just press Enter

Input N for TLS and press Enter

Insert N for Nicehash and press Enter

Input N for multiple pools and press Enter

Select Yes when prompted

and your miner will begin!

Now you can use the ipaddress:port/h of your miner to keep an eye on it’s progress from anywhere in the network.  For example, navigate to

Once you are mining, you can open up the amd file in the same directory as your xmr-stak executable.  Within the amd file, you will be able to modify your settings.  I have found that changing the intensity setting and also the worksize will yield the most results.  Each series of card can act differently, so spend some time, and fine tune these settings.  It will be worth the time invested.

Happy Mining!