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Google Dorks

Search Handlers for Precise Results

Use one or a combination of these dorks when searching google, to narrow your results, and find precise information

cache: Search the cached version of any website (ex

allintext: Search text across all web pages (ex. allintext:google dorks)

intitle: Search for words in a page title (intitle:google dorks) Google will be searched as part of the title, and dorks has to be in the page somewhere

allintitle: Search page titles across all web pages (ex. allintitle:”Google Dorks”

inurl: Search for a single word in a URL (ex. inurl:dork)

allinurl: Search for a specific string contained in a URL (ex. allinurl:wp-admin)

filetype: Search for a specific file extension (ex. filetype:bak)

inanchor: Search text contained in a link (ex inanchor:”shodan dorks”)

intext: Search the text contained in a web page, across the internet (ex

intext:“how-to dork”)

link: List all pages with a certain link contained within (ex.

site: Shows a list of all indexed pages for a certain domain (ex.

Asterisk Wildcard – This will show you everything that could be, in the search results. Comes before, during, or after the search phrase (ex. intext:tactical*)

| – This will show all sites that contain a single word contained within a search, or a combination of words in the string (ex. google | dorks) will have results for google, for dorks, and for google dorks

link: List all pages with a certain link contained within (ex.
site: Shows a list of all indexed pages for a certain domain (ex.

“” – Insert a value between the quotes and this will show exact string results (ex. “Google Dorking”) will show all results with that exact text in that exact order

“+” – Used to find pages that use the the following words in the pages, in any order (ex. tacticalware + mining)

“–” – The minus sign will exclude results (ex. tacticalware – mining) will show results without information about mining