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summer sigyn

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Loki Wallet 3.0.2 & 2.0.2 Crashing in Windows 10

How to update and fix the issue above

For weeks I have been fighting with the Loki wallet on my Windows 10 VM. I even went out and built a fresh laptop with a fresh install of Windows 10, only to have LOKI crash once I put in my password.

If you are experiencing these issues too, you are not alone.

To fix this issue, I had completely wiped LOKI off of my computer. Searched the C: drive for *loki* and wiped everything. The only reason I could do this is because I had my keys backed up along with my personal seed. IF YOUR KEYS AND SEED ARE NOT BACKED UP, DO NOT DELETE ANYTHING!

So, with a fresh computer, free of loki, I downloaded the new GUI wallet from:

Once the app is downloaded, install it as usual and then launch the app.

On the first time it runs, you will want to set it up to download the blockchain locally. Do not select the remote options. Then you will want to input your wallet seed. Make sure you backup the keys. Setup your wallet password, and let it sync with the blockchain. You will FINALLY see a working version of LOKI! Finally!

I am not sure what ruined their Festive Freya or Summer Sigyn, but thankfully that bug doesn’t affect their Electron wallet.