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Installing Teamviewer on Ubuntu Server

How-To guide for installing and running Teamviewer on your Ubuntu Mining Rig

This is the quick and dirty to get it up and running.  I find that running Teamviewer on my Ubuntu Mining Rigs helps me manage them on the fly.  For this guide you will replace the home directory named tacticalware with the name of your home directory.  The rest of the commands will work as they are listed.

From a command prompt run the following commands:

sudo bash

mkdir /home/tacticalware/teamviewer

cd /home/tacticalware/teamviewer


dpkg -i teamviewer-host_amd64.deb

The installation will fail

Now run:

apt-get -f install


After it installs then run

teamviewer setup

Enter your username

Enter your password

Log into your email, and find the Teamviewer email

Allow/Add the device

And now you can log into your server using Teamviewer