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The error is as follows:
“The phpMyAdmin configuration storage is not completely configured, some extended features have been deactivated. Find out why.
Or alternately go to ‘Operations’ tab of any database to set it up there.”

When you click Find Out Why, you see this message
Create a database named ‘phpmyadmin’ and setup the phpMyAdmin configuration storage there.

To solve this, in PHPMYADMIN
Create a new database named phpmyadmin

Click on the PHPMYADMIN logo at the top left to go back to the home page

Click on the Find Out Why

Click Create on the line that says “Create a database named ‘phpmyadmin’ and setup the phpMyAdmin configuration storage there.

The database will setup now

And the error will be fixed


Using the default setup for Ubuntu, i have run into an issue where I cannot view Tiff Files. I receive the error “Failed to load tiff image”. So the fix for it is as follows:

Open your terminal

sudo bash

apt-get install feh

Once feh installs you can right click on the image and select Properties

Navigate to the Open With tab

Select FEH

Click Set as Default

That’s it. You can now view your tiff images


If any of you are like me, you find that your scrapers are limited from time to time by the number of requests you can make to a website within a certain period of time. To get around this, you can setup python scraping through nordvpn to automatically change of your IP addresses. There are other programs as well…Tor allows this for free. I personally use NORD, because I have had better performance and the cost is a few dollars per month not to have to deal with the headaches.

So I setup my cron job as follows
Every hour (9:00, 10:00, etc) it will connect to Nord
5 Mins past every hour (9:05, 10:05, etc) it will run my scraper
15 Mins past every hour (9:15, 10:15, etc) it will disconnect from Nord
30 Min past every hour (9:30, 10:30, etc) it will reconnect to Nord (this usually gives it enough time to get a different IP. If you log back in immediately you will attach to the same server. This fixes that.
35 Mins past every hour (9:35, 10:35, etc) it runs the scraper
45 Mins past every hour (9:45, 10:45, etc) it disconnects from Nord

To set this up I run the following

sudo bash

Enter Password

crontab -e

Select 1 (for nano)

Scroll to the bottom of the file and add the following:

0 * * * * /usr/bin/nordvpn connect >> /home/user/cron.log 2>&1
5 * * * * python3 /home/user/ >> /home/user/cron.log 2>&1
15 * * * * /usr/bin/nordvpn d >> /home/user/cron.log 2>&1
30 * * * * /usr/bin/nordvpn connect >> /home/user/cron.log 2>&1
35 * * * * python3 /home/user/ >> /home/user/cron.log 2>&1
45 * * * * /usr/bin/nordvpn d >> /home/user/cron.log 2>&1

Save the file, exit, and you are all set. Your scraper will run as directed


Here is an interesting, and easy fix to a nagging BS4 Error (bs4.FeatureNotFound) that I kept encountering. I was using a Windows 10 computer, running Ubuntu Server 20.04 through VMWare Workstation as my platform. If you see the following error

bs4.FeatureNotFound: Couldn’t find a tree builder with the features you requested: lxml. Do you need to install a parser library?

To fix it is easy, and simple.

Open a Terminal

sudo bash
pip3 install lxml

lxml will install, and your error will be fixed!

Disable Web Search in Windows 10 Search Bar

One of the worst features is the data leakage that comes out of your Windows 10 computer, every single time you search it for a local app. What I mean by this is when I click on my search bar, next to the start button…Say I search for Putty. It shows me Web results first, then my Putty app second. Now anyone monitoring a network can see the constant stream of requests coming out of a network and fingerprint the applications in use. HUUUUUGE issue in my opinion.

To disable this feature do the following

Click the Type here to search bar

Type Edit group policy

Navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Search

Double click the Allow Cloud Search policy and set to Disabled. Click Ok to save

Double click the Don’t search the web or allow web results in search policy and set to Disabled. Click Ok to save

Double click the Don’t search the web or allow web results in search over metered connections policy and set to Disabled. Click Ok to save

That is it. Your data leakage settings have been changed.