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Teamviewer has been a constant headache in 2020. So I have had to find a teamviewer replacement…and have found Chrome Remote Desktop. So far my experience has been good. Quick, easy install. I can still remotely manage my mining rigs. This guide shows how I connect to a system that runs during the day for a dedicated user (who owns it), and mines at night. When he has an issue, he contacts me and we setup a Chrome Remote Desktop support session using the following excerpt from this link

Share your computer with someone else

You can give others remote access to your computer. They’ll have full access to your apps, files, emails, documents and history.

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. In the address bar at the top, type, and press Enter.
  3. Under “Get Support, “ click Download Download page.
  4. Follow the onscreen directions to download and install Chrome Remote Desktop.
  5. Under “Get Support,” select Generate Code.  
  6. Copy the code and send to the person you want to have access to your computer.
  7. When that person enters your access code on the site, you will see a dialog with their e-mail address. Select Share to allow them full access to your computer.
  8. To end a sharing session, click Stop Sharing.

The access code will only work one time. If you are sharing your computer, you will be asked to confirm that you want to continue to share your computer every 30 minutes.


Have that annoying survey popup after every call. Asking you to rate the call, with stars, and you are just plain sick of seeing it.

Well do I have the solution for you.

When you are in Teams
Click on your Avatar in the top right of the screen
Select Settings
Click Privacy
Slide that Green button next to Survey from On, to Off

No more teams feedback ticklers


  • iPad, MAC

My ipad has been setup with OneDrive, and I had initially configured the photos to automatically upload, so I have a backup of them, off my device. The upload worked great for the first upload, but the ongoing iPad photo upload to onedrive fails with no errors showing.

I finally found the fix

On the iPad
Go to Settings
Scroll down to OneDrive
Enable Background App Refresh
Mine was disabled

Over the next day or so, your iPad should begin uploading all of your photos again to OneDrive!



To set the stage, my mining rigs are setup on Ubuntu 20.04, with NVidia 1080Ti Cards, and they are headless systems. On these systems, I use Putty to connect to them, and run them. You will notice that when you close putty, your miner will stop mining. Which can be a pain, because who wants to always have a Putty connection to their miner, especially when it is a headless system.

A fun little program that I have used for years and never thought of mentioning, is called Screen. Screen allows you to run your headless mining system, without putty being constantly attached, or having a keyboard / mouse / monitor attached.

To enable screen, you can do the following once you are logged in through putty
sudo bash
apt-get update
apt-get install screen

If you are running Ubuntu 20.04 you may find that it is already installed. If it is installed, to run it, simply do the following
screen ./program-name
and the program will run

For me I use it to run my custom mining scripts, so I will cd to the directory, and run
screen ./
The mining software will start up, and I can then close Putty, and the rig will continue to mine…..

If at any time you want to reconnect to your miner to see the progress:
Open Putty
Type screen -r
Press Enter
Your screen will reconnect

Thanks for reading!

The hardware that I used in this guide:
Gigabyte AORUS GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (QTY 6):

Motherboard (QTY 1):

CPU (QTY 1):

Memory (QTY 1):

Hard Drive (QTY 1):

Risers (QTY 6):

Power Supplies (QTY 2):

Add2PSU (QTY 1):

Power Switch (QTY 1):


Recently I had to change the software on my rig. My rig is mining ETC on Ubuntu with NVidia 1080TI cards. I had to change it because claymore was not working the way it should with the site ethermine, hence the need to change mining software from claymore to ethminer. The following guide is how i did it.

Login to the headless rig
sudo bash
cd /
mkdir /miner
cd /miner

Once it downloads you then run
tar -zxvf *.gz
The software will unpack

cd bin
mv etc.txt
chmod +x

Change the wallet address to your wallet
Save the file and Exit

You should now be mining. Be sure to look at and monitor your wallet to verify that it is sending data back and forth to the site. It should take about 15 minutes to show up initially, so be patient.

The hardware that I used in this guide:
Gigabyte AORUS GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (QTY 6):

Motherboard (QTY 1):

CPU (QTY 1):

Memory (QTY 1):

Hard Drive (QTY 1):

Risers (QTY 6):

Power Supplies (QTY 2):

Add2PSU (QTY 1):

Power Switch (QTY 1):


Needless to say, I have been mining a while, and have some crypto that I want to keep track of. How do you do this, you ask….Well I just have to Connect Power Bi to CoinMarketCap, list my coins, and off I go. This quick and easy guide is how I will connect Power BI to CoinMarketCap.

Open Power BI
Click File
Select New
Click Get Data
Select From Web
Click Advanced
For URL Parts you will want to enter in the following:
In the HTTP request header parameters(optional) first box, type in
In the Second Box you will want to enter in your CoinMarketCap API Key

To get the API Key, use the web browser on your computer (Not inside Power BI) and go to
Sign up for an account if you don’t already have one
If you do have an account, login
Hover over the API Key box and click Copy

Back to Power BI
Now in the Second Box you will want to enter in your CoinMarketCap API Key
Click Ok
Power BI will now connect to CoinMarketCap

In Power Query
Click data
Select list
Select the To Table button
Use defaults and Click OK
In the Column header, click the button on the top right
Click (Select All Columns)
Select Ok
Click the the Column1.tags header, click the button on the top right
Select Extract Values
Hit the Drop Down
Select Comma
Click Ok
Click the the Column1.quote header, click the button on the top right
Place a checkmark next to USD
Click Ok
Click the the Click the the Column1.quote header, click the button on the top right
Place a checkmark next to USD
Click the the Click the the Column1.quote.USD header, click the button on the top
Click (Select All Columns)
Select Ok

Click the Save Icon at the top left

Click Close and Apply

Documentation on the various CoinMarketCap commands can be found at


  • Power BI

I have an excel file with all of my original data, that i need to modify, once it is in Power BI. To do so, I have worked with a friend to create a simple, but effective code to to this automatically. The zip code is automatically formatted in excel, and changed from 02860 over to 2860. I did not notice it until well after it was within Power BI. So this guide is what I ran through in adding a to a column in Power BI.

Open Power BI
Open the pbix file
Click Home
Select Transform Data
Find the Zip column and highlight it. In My case the column has 2860
Click Add Column
Select Custom Column
Type in the following in the Custom Column Formula dialog box
= Text.PadStart([Zip],5,”0″)
Click Ok

That’s it! I now have a zip code column with the proper formatting of 02860 instead of 2860


  • General

Here is a quick and easy how-to on turning off the lights on the MageGee Keyboards.

To do this, it is a simple combination of keystrokes

Hold down the Fn key

Press Esc twice

Your keyboard should not have the rainbow backlight anymore and you should be all set


  • Power BI

When you install Power BI, it does not have certain features enabled. One feature that I need to use, is the Power Bi Shape Map. This quick how-to guide is the way to enable that feature.

Open Power BI
Click File
Click Options and Settings
Click Options
Click Preview Features
Place a check mark next to Shape Map Visual
Click Ok
Now restart Power BI for the changes to take effect

And there you have it, a quick way to enable the Power BI Shape Map


For those of you, like me, who are into 3D printing, here is a quick, and VERY helpful set of marlin gcodes for your Marlin firmware. It will help you when you have to diagnose the errors on-screen, and it will help you even more, if you use the command sets through octoprint. Now onto the latest GCode as of Marlin 2.0.5

G0-G1: Linear Move
G2-G3: Arc or Circle Move
G4: Dwell
G5: Cubic spline
G10: Retract
G11: Recover
G12: Clean the Nozzle
G17-G18: CNC Workspace Planes
G20: Inch Units
G21: Millimeter Units
G26: Mesh Validation Pattern
G27: Park toolhead
G28: Auto Home
G29: Bed Leveling
G29: Bed Leveling (3-Point)
G29: Bed Leveling (Linear)
G29: Bed Leveling (Manual)
G29: Bed Leveling (Bilinear)
G29: Bed Leveling (Unified)
G30: Single Z-Probe
G31: Dock Sled
G32: Undock Sled
G33: Delta Auto Calibration
G34: Z Steppers Auto-Alignment
G38.2-G38.3: Probe target
G42: Move to mesh coordinate
G53: Move in Machine Coordinates
G54-G55: Workspace Coordinate System
G60: Save Current Position
G61: Return to Saved Position
G76: Probe temperature calibration
G80: Cancel Current Motion Mode
G90: Absolute Positioning
G91: Relative Positioning
G92: Set Position
G425: Backlash Calibration
M0-M1: Unconditional stop
M3: Spindle CW / Laser On
M4: Spindle CCW / Laser On
M5: Spindle / Laser Off
M16: Expected Printer Check
M17: Enable Steppers
M18-M84: Disable steppers
M20: List SD Card
M21: Init SD card
M22: Release SD card
M23: Select SD file
M24: Start or Resume SD print
M25: Pause SD print
M26: Set SD position
M27: Report SD print status
M28: Start SD write
M29: Stop SD write
M30: Delete SD file
M31: Print time
M32: Select and Start
M33: Get Long Path
M34: SDCard Sorting
M42: Set Pin State
M43: Debug Pins
M43 T: Toggle Pins
M48: Probe Accuracy Test
M7-M8: Coolant Controls
M73: Set Print Progress
M75: Start Print Job Timer
M76: Pause Print Job
M77: Stop Print Job Timer
M78: Print Job Stats
M80: Power On
M81: Power Off
M82: E Absolute
M83: E Relative
M85: Inactivity Shutdown
M92: Set Axis Steps-per-unit
M100: Free Memory
M104: Set Hotend Temperature
M105: Report Temperatures
M106: Set Fan Speed
M107: Fan Off
M108: Break and Continue
M109: Wait for Hotend Temperature
M110: Set Line Number
M111: Debug Level
M112: Emergency Stop
M113: Host Keepalive
M114: Get Current Position
M115: Firmware Info
M117: Set LCD Message
M118: Serial print
M119: Endstop States
M120: Enable Endstops
M121: Disable Endstops
M122: TMC Debugging
M125: Park Head
M126: Baricuda 1 Open
M127: Baricuda 1 Close
M128: Baricuda 2 Open
M129: Baricuda 2 Close
M140: Set Bed Temperature
M141: Set Chamber Temperature
M145: Set Material Preset
M149: Set Temperature Units
M150: Set RGB(W) Color
M155: Temperature Auto-Report
M163: Set Mix Factor
M164: Save Mix
M165: Set Mix
M166: Gradient Mix
M190: Wait for Bed Temperature
M191: Wait for Chamber Temperature
M200: Set Filament Diameter
M201: Set Print Max Acceleration
M203: Set Max Feedrate
M204: Set Starting Acceleration
M205: Set Advanced Settings
M206: Set Home Offsets
M207: Set Firmware Retraction
M208: Firmware Recover
M209: Set Auto Retract
M211: Software Endstops
M217: Filament swap parameters
M218: Set Hotend Offset
M220: Set Feedrate Percentage
M221: Set Flow Percentage
M226: Wait for Pin State
M240: Trigger Camera
M250: LCD Contrast
M260: I2C Send
M261: I2C Request
M280: Servo Position
M281: Edit Servo Angles
M290: Babystep
M300: Play Tone
M301: Set Hotend PID
M302: Cold Extrude
M303: PID autotune
M304: Set Bed PID
M350: Set micro-stepping
M351: Set Microstep Pins
M355: Case Light Control
M360: SCARA Theta A
M361: SCARA Theta-B
M362: SCARA Psi-A
M363: SCARA Psi-B
M364: SCARA Psi-C
M380: Activate Solenoid
M381: Deactivate Solenoids
M400: Finish Moves
M401: Deploy Probe
M402: Stow Probe
M403: MMU2 Filament Type
M404: Set Filament Diameter
M405: Filament Width Sensor On
M406: Filament Width Sensor Off
M407: Filament Width
M410: Quickstop
M412: Filament Runout
M413: Power-loss Recovery
M420: Bed Leveling State
M421: Set Mesh Value
M422: Set Z Motor XY
M425: Backlash compensation
M428: Home Offsets Here
M486: Cancel Objects
M500: Save Settings
M501: Restore Settings
M502: Factory Reset
M503: Report Settings
M504: Validate EEPROM contents
M524: Abort SD print
M540: Endstops Abort SD
M569: Set TMC stepping mode
M575: Serial baud rate
M600: Filament Change
M603: Configure Filament Change
M605: Dual Nozzle Mode
M665: Delta Configuration
M665: SCARA Configuration
M666: Set Delta endstop adjustments
M666: Set dual endstop offsets
M701: Load filament
M702: Unload filament
M710: Controller Fan settings
M851: XYZ Probe Offset
M852: Bed Skew Compensation
M871: Probe temperature config
M900: Linear Advance Factor
M906: TMC Motor Current
M907: Set Motor Current
M908: Set Trimpot Pins
M909: DAC Print Values
M910: Commit DAC to EEPROM
M911: TMC OT Pre-Warn Condition
M912: Clear TMC OT Pre-Warn
M913: Set Hybrid Threshold Speed
M914: TMC Bump Sensitivity
M915: TMC Z axis calibration
M928: Start SD Logging
M997: Firmware update
M999: STOP Restart
M7219: MAX7219 Control
T0-T1: Select Tool