Disable Chrome Autoplay for Videos
Sick of those annoying sites that force videos to play without your permission! Here is the fix for Chrome
Install this extension from the store and it will block the annoying ads.
Sick of those annoying sites that force videos to play without your permission! Here is the fix for Chrome
Install this extension from the store and it will block the annoying ads.
If you need help setting up the rig, you can view one of my other articles on building the rig, adding the cards, installing the drivers and so on. This guide will help you from the point that the rig is built and you have an Ethereum Classic wallet already available.
Open a terminal
mkdir /drivers && mkdir /drivers/claymore && mkdir claymore15
cd /drivers/claymore
tar zxvf *
cd “C and hit the tab key to populate the rest of the name
Press Enter
mv ./* ../claymore15
cd ../
rm -R “C and hit the tab key
Press Enter
rm *z
cd claymore15
wget https://tacticalware.com/downloads/etc.txt
mv etc.txt etc.sh
chmod +x etc.sh
nano etc.sh
Change the wallet address to your wallet
Save the file and Exit
And you off and mining!
The hardware that I used in this guide:
Gigabyte AORUS GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (QTY 6):
Motherboard (QTY 1):
CPU (QTY 1):
Memory (QTY 1):
Hard Drive (QTY 1):
Risers (QTY 6):
Power Supplies (QTY 2):
Add2PSU (QTY 1):
Power Switch (QTY 1):
To get the public ip, type:
dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver2.opendns.com
Press Enter
And there you have it. Your Public IP
Use one or a combination of these dorks when searching google, to narrow your results, and find precise information
cache: Search the cached version of any website (ex cache:tacticalware.com)
allintext: Search text across all web pages (ex. allintext:google dorks)
intitle: Search for words in a page title (intitle:google dorks) Google will be searched as part of the title, and dorks has to be in the page somewhere
allintitle: Search page titles across all web pages (ex. allintitle:”Google Dorks”
inurl: Search for a single word in a URL (ex. inurl:dork)
allinurl: Search for a specific string contained in a URL (ex. allinurl:wp-admin)
filetype: Search for a specific file extension (ex. filetype:bak)
inanchor: Search text contained in a link (ex inanchor:”shodan dorks”)
intext: Search the text contained in a web page, across the internet (ex
intext:“how-to dork”)
link: List all pages with a certain link contained within (ex. link:tacticalware.com)
site: Shows a list of all indexed pages for a certain domain (ex. site:tacticalware.com)
Asterisk Wildcard – This will show you everything that could be, in the search results. Comes before, during, or after the search phrase (ex. intext:tactical*)
| – This will show all sites that contain a single word contained within a search, or a combination of words in the string (ex. google | dorks) will have results for google, for dorks, and for google dorks
link: List all pages with a certain link contained within (ex. link:tacticalware.com)
site: Shows a list of all indexed pages for a certain domain (ex. site:tacticalware.com)
“” – Insert a value between the quotes and this will show exact string results (ex. “Google Dorking”) will show all results with that exact text in that exact order
“+” – Used to find pages that use the the following words in the pages, in any order (ex. tacticalware + mining)
“–” – The minus sign will exclude results (ex. tacticalware – mining) will show results without information about mining
sudo bash
apt-get install john
The application will install. Now run it to check the benchmarks
john –test
Open a Command Prompt on the Windows 10 Computer and type:
netsh wlan show profiles
Identify the network you want to show the password for…Ex. HOME
netsh wlan show profile name=HOME key=clear
Look for the line that says Key Content and that will be your wireless password.
A tip for the masses. Once a user is done on your network, erase your network from their device….otherwise your password can be compromised and your privacy is at risk.
AND if you have the ability to have a guest network at your house, set it up. Keep your network secure.
On your Kali box, you will want to go to the AMD Driver download page for the RX 480 Cards
Once there you will want to download the UBUNTU Drivers
After the download completes, open a Terminal
Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the drivers and type
cd to the amd driver directory
nano amdgpu-pro-install
ctrl +w and search for ubuntu
After the ubuntu | linuxmint | debian text, insert | kali
So the line will look like
ubuntu | linuxmint | debian | kali
Save the file and exit
Type the following to install the drivers, and it should go through now. If you encounter any errors, you may need to repair and reinstall the drivers
./amdgpu-pro-install -y –opencl=legacy
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
Add the following if they are not already in the file:
deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib
deb-src http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib
Save and Exit the File
sudo apt-get update
Your packages should now be available
WordPress, by default, changes the code you place into posts and merges items like “–” into “-” so articles don’t show properly. To fix this error do the following:
Modify your site’s wp-includes/formatting.php file
***Make a Backup Copy of this file before you modify it, so you can roll back if it doesnt work***
Remove the following lines:
// Dashes and spaces
$dynamic[‘/—/’] = $em_dash;
$dynamic[ ‘/(?<=^|’ . $spaces . ‘)–(?=$|’ . $spaces . ‘)/’ ] = $em_dash;
$dynamic[‘/(?<!xn)–/’] = $en_dash;
$dynamic[ ‘/(?<=^|’ . $spaces . ‘)-(?=$|’ . $spaces . ‘)/’ ] = $en_dash;
$dynamic_characters[‘dash’] = array_keys( $dynamic );
$dynamic_replacements[‘dash’] = array_values( $dynamic );
Save the file
Now browse to the pages on your website and refresh the page/pages that had the issue. You should now see the Double Dash “–“
A question that has been asked multiple times is how do I know what my risk is at the border of my network….Miners and Wallet holders are concerned due to the increased risk of compromised wallets, and compromised mining rigs. So to answer this I will send you to a few quick places to do a spot check on your exposure.
There you have it. Some quick tools to see what the perimeter of your network looks like. Remember to follow up on every open port, banner, and CVE…lock your system down now before it is compromised.