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KALI – Unable to Locate Package

  • Kali

How-To Ensure Your Repos Are Correct

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Add the following if they are not already in the file:

deb kali-rolling main non-free contrib
deb-src kali-rolling main non-free contrib

Save and Exit the File

sudo apt-get update

Your packages should now be available

WordPress Double Dash Issue

  • General

Removing Code to Enable Double Dashes in WordPress

WordPress, by default, changes the code you place into posts and merges items like “–” into “-” so articles don’t show properly. To fix this error do the following:

Modify your site’s wp-includes/formatting.php file

***Make a Backup Copy of this file before you modify it, so you can roll back if it doesnt work***

Remove the following lines:

// Dashes and spaces
$dynamic[‘/—/’] = $em_dash;
$dynamic[ ‘/(?<=^|’ . $spaces . ‘)–(?=$|’ . $spaces . ‘)/’ ] = $em_dash;
$dynamic[‘/(?<!xn)–/’] = $en_dash;
$dynamic[ ‘/(?<=^|’ . $spaces . ‘)-(?=$|’ . $spaces . ‘)/’ ] = $en_dash;
$dynamic_characters[‘dash’] = array_keys( $dynamic );
$dynamic_replacements[‘dash’] = array_values( $dynamic );

Save the file

Now browse to the pages on your website and refresh the page/pages that had the issue. You should now see the Double Dash “–“

Data Leakage From Your Home/Mining Network

How to Scan and Identify Issues at the Perimeter of your Network

A question that has been asked multiple times is how do I know what my risk is at the border of my network….Miners and Wallet holders are concerned due to the increased risk of compromised wallets, and compromised mining rigs. So to answer this I will send you to a few quick places to do a spot check on your exposure.

  1. Find out your external IP by visiting
  2. Sign up for an account at
  3. Place your External IP in the search box on and see the results of your network. If there are known CVEs (vulnerabilities) on the open ports of your network, it will be displayed here. You MUST fix the issues identified by the CVEs
  4. Run a scan from outside of your network. Meaning, go visit your cousin, or some family member. Hop onto their network, and run the following nmap scan against your network. This scan is a lot more detailed, and will be a longer, slower process. But the resulting open ports and banners will give you more places to look in your quest to secure your network. Replace the with your External IP. nmap -sV –script=banner

There you have it. Some quick tools to see what the perimeter of your network looks like. Remember to follow up on every open port, banner, and CVE…lock your system down now before it is compromised.

Install ALFA AWUS036ACH Drivers on Ubuntu 18.04

Simple Command To Install Alfa Drivers

Open a terminal and escalate your privelages

sudo bash

apt install wireless-tools


Note your wireless adapters…if any are installed

apt-get install realtek-rtl8812au-dkms

Drivers will install, this may take a few minutes.

Once it is done type the following


You will now see your ALFA wireless card

ZMap and ZGrab Installation

Installing the packages on a Ubuntu 18.04 system

In the coming weeks I will be writing more about how to check the perimeter of your network, understand what data is leaking out from it, and how to safeguard your network, and especially your wallet from bad actors. These tools are the beginning, I will wrap it altogether piece by piece.

Log into your Ubuntu rig

Install zmap and zgrab

sudo bash

apt install zmap

apt install golang-go

go get

cd /home/USERNAME/go/src/

go build

Test it by running the following from a remote system, against your network

zmap -p 30303 (Your Public IP Here) –output-fields=* –output-file=results.csv | zgrab –port 30303 -banners –output-file=banners.json

Shodan.IO At A Glance

Some Helpful Search Handlers Listed Below

Within the search box on, you can mix and match combinations of each of the following below to gather together results:

To Search by Country

To Search by Vulnerability using the CVE from HERE

These are self explainatory
city:”New York”
net: – ip address or range
org:”Verizon Wireless” – organization
after:”25/12/2018″ – results after a certain date
before:”25/12/2010 “– results before a certain date
os: – operating system
isp: – ISP managing their Net Block
postal: – postal code
product: – name of software or product
version: – version of software
uptime: – how long a host has been up

To Exclude Certain Results add a “-” sign
-city:”New York”

Mining LOKI with RX 480 Nitro 8GB Cards on Ubuntu 18.04

Quick How-To Guide

This guide assumes that you have Ubuntu 18.04 setup fresh.

On another computer, download the AMD drivers from the vendor’s website

Use winscp and move them to the computer

On the Mining Rig, login, and from the command line you will want to navigate to the directory you copied your AMD Drivers to….most likely it will be your home directory (/home/username/)

sudo bash

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade


Look for those AMD Drivers

tar -xJvf amdgpu-pro-18.50-756341-ubuntu-18.04.tar.xz

cd amdgpu-pro-18.50-756341-ubuntu-18.04/

sudo dpkg –add-architecture i386

./amdgpu-pro-install -y –opencl=legacy

mkdir /miner && cd /miner

apt install clinfo -y

apt-get install git build-essential cmake libuv1-dev libmicrohttpd-dev

apt-get install libssl-dev

git clone

mkdir xmrig-amd/build

cd xmrig-amd/build

cmake ..


apt install mesa-opencl-icd -y


@echo off
./xmrig-amd -a cryptonight-ultralite –donate-level 1 -o -u LChtjHqr29p5FojLdMtcUW5ApLWyQHH5j4366V78YECEjUkgK99Y7uLDVLpHjXpYM3UcZ39FFL5Gvd4debF95mcJHbnx5ke -p w=rx480 -k -o -u LChtjHqr29p5FojLdMtcUW5ApLWyQHH5j4366V78YECEjUkgK99Y7uLDVLpHjXpYM3UcZ39FFL5Gvd4debF95mcJHbnx5ke -p w=rx480 -k

Save the file and Exit

chmod +x


And your rig will begin to mine

ERROR Installing AMDGPU-PRO Drivers on Ubuntu 18.04

Easy way to fix the following errors

Installing AMD Drivers on Ubuntu 18.04 has been a pain…until now. To fix the following errors you have to simply do the following


The following packages have unmet dependencies:

amdgpu-pro : Depends: libvdpau-amdgpu-pro but it is not going to be installed

              Depends: clinfo-amdgpu-pro but it is not going to be installed

amdgpu-pro-dkms : Depends: dkms (>= 1.95) but it is not going to be installed

amdgpu-pro-lib32 : Depends: libdrm-amdgpu-pro-amdgpu1:i386

                    Depends: libgbm1-amdgpu-pro:i386

                    Depends: libgl1-amdgpu-pro-glx:i386

Etc, etc, etc………

To fix it, at the command line, type the following:

sudo dpkg –add-architecture i386

Now try the install again:

sudo ./amdgpu-pro-install -y


Mining Veil with CryptoDredge 0.18.0, CUDA 10, on Ubuntu 18.04 with NVidia 1080 TI Cards

  • Mining

This Guide Assumes You Have the OS and Drivers Already Installed

Login to the headless rig

At the command prompt type:

sudo bash

apt-get update

apt-get upgrade


Log back into the rig

sudo bash

mkdir /miner && cd /miner


tar zxvf CryptoDredge_0.18.0_linux_x64_cuda_10.0.tar.gz

cd CryptoDredge_0.18.0


Enter in the following all on one single line:

./CryptoDredge -a x16rt -o stratum+tcp:// -u VN1umGknb7NqoL9Fj6d5oU34ZFCs7NbySU -p c=VEIL -i 8

Save the file and Exit

chmod +x

screen ./

That’s it. Thanks for reading.

The hardware that I used in this guide:
Gigabyte AORUS GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (QTY 6):

Motherboard (QTY 1):

CPU (QTY 1):

Memory (QTY 1):

Hard Drive (QTY 1):

Risers (QTY 6):

Power Supplies (QTY 2):

Add2PSU (QTY 1):

Power Switch (QTY 1):

Scanning a Network Using A MAC

  • MAC

When NMAP isn’t available, use the following

Click on Spotlight (The Magnifying Glass)

Type Terminal to open the command line

Type the following:

for i in {1..254}; do ping -c 2 192.168.1.$i | grep ‘bytes’ ; done

Press Enter

One by one, each ip will be ping’d. Slow, yes…but useful in a pinch