Cryptocurrency Conversion Tool
This fix is simple. You are running the Ubuntu server installation from a USB drive.
You get the dialog box asking for the CD-ROM…Simply remove the USB drive (that has the installation media on it) from the port that it is plugged into.
Move it to another USB Port….and the installation will find the device, think it is a CD-ROM and the install will continue.
Here is the quick installation notes on how to mine Raven. My hashrate has almost doubled over running ccminer, on the same coin and same pool.
Log into the rig
sudo bash
apt-get -y install libcurl3
mkdir /miner && mkdir /miner/drivers && mkdir /miner/drivers/z-enemy
cd /miner/drivers/z-enemy
tar zxvf z-enemy-1.26-cuda100-Linux.tar.gz
Insert the following into the file#
nvidia-smi -pm 1
nvidia-smi -acp 0
nvidia-smi -pl 300
sleep 2
export GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR=0
export GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE=100
./z-enemy -a x16r -o stratum+tcp:// -u RMzHAFgqgjV5qLkajBjLQ325V7HWBpG3d9 -p d=16 -i 20
CTRL + X to Save and Exit
chmod +x
You are now mining! Thanks for reading!
The hardware that I used in this guide:
Gigabyte AORUS GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (QTY 6):
Motherboard (QTY 1):
CPU (QTY 1):
Memory (QTY 1):
Hard Drive (QTY 1):
Risers (QTY 6):
Power Supplies (QTY 2):
Add2PSU (QTY 1):
Power Switch (QTY 1):
Here is the quick and dirty:
Install the latest NVIDIA drivers:
Download and install Visual Studio Community Edition
Install the software
Now you will want to Download CUDA 10
Select Windows > x86_64 > 10 > exe (local)
Download z-enemy 1.26 from here:
Or direct from this link:
Extract the files to your Desktop
Find the mining pool/coin combination that you want to use
Right click on the batch file
Select Edit
Insert your wallet address in place of the currently listed wallet
Save the file and Exit
Double Click on the Batch file, and your miner will begin
Monitor it for a while, and adjust as necessary, then let it run without interference
The latest NVidia driver update will not download or install through the GeForce App, unless has access to your Google Account….Invasion of Privacy at it’s finest. As soon as you have what you need, immediately revoke the access. And ensure no other apps have access to your google account while you are logged in there
To revoke the access, go to:
Click on the App that has access
Click Remove Access
Teamviewer Installation has changed in the recent version, and the prior directions will not work. You will continue to receive an error after you insert the password saying there was a connectivity time out. The new way to install teamviewer is as follows:
sudo bash
add-apt-repository “deb $(lsb_release -sc) universe”
apt-get update
apt-get install gdebi-core
mkdir /home/miner/teamviewer
cd /home/miner/teamviewer
dpkg -i teamviewer-host_amd64.deb
It will fail and that’s ok because we will fix it here
apt-get -f install
After it installs then type
teamviewer info
Take a note of your Teamviewer ID, you will need it later
teamviewer passwd YOURPASSWORDHERE
Now open teamviewer on another computer that you are logged into. Add the computer using the menu “Add Computer“, enter in your Teamviewer ID and the Password you used in YOURPASSWORDHERE, and you can now connect
This guide is part 2 of an earlier guide. This explains how to access your files from another system, or restore them to a new computer. The earlier guide can be found here:
Press the Windows + R keys on your keyboard to open the Run box
Type in certmgr.msc and click Ok
Right click on the Personal folder
Select All Tasks
Click on Import
Store Location should be Current User, and Click Next
Click Browse, navigate to your backup copy of the keys and select them
Click Next
Where prompted, type in the Password for your private key
Check the boxes to:
Mark the key as exportable
and Include all extended properties
Now you can click Next
Click Automatically select the certificate store based on the type of certificate
Click on Next
Select Finish
There will be a dialog box that shows up which says The import was successful
Click Ok to close the box, and you can close out of the certmgr window
Now, try opening up the encrypted files/folder and you should have access
First you will want to download and install reaver, wash and airmon-ng. If you are running Kali or Parrot, it is already there. You will also need a wireless adapter that is capable of packet injection. Assuming you have those, you will want to open a terminal and run the following
sudo bash
Note which adapter is your wireless card, that is capable of packet injection. For the rest of this, lets assume it is wlan0.
airmon-ng check kill
wash -i wlan0
Note the BSSID of your Wireless Access Point / Wireless Router
reaver -i wlan0 -b MacAddressOfMyRouter -vv
After some time my router/ap gave up the ghost. It showed my WPS pin. I am running a wireless router with a Broadcom chip, which is susceptible.
To fix this, I had to log into my wireless router, navigate to the WPS settings, and I changed it from Enabled to Disabled. I saved the settings, and voila…I haven’t been able to crack the WPS pin again
The need to keep your number private increases by the day. Websites, and Applications constantly request your cell phone number to verify who you are, when you sign up, but how do you know you can trust these sites? Who has access to your cell phone number now? The lack of privacy is growing by the day. I don’t know about you, but I do not want my cell number all over craigslist every time I contact a potential seller for something.
The solution to the problem is easy, keep your cell number private and use a temporary number to Text, or Call from. You can receive temporary numbers to get the access you need and still remain private. Below you will find a list of applications that will help you on this quest, and a bit of info about each.
– No phone number required during Sign-Up
– No email required during Sign-Up
– You can purchase a number for a few dollars through the App Store, instead of putting your info into some third party site
– Allows for a secure passcode when you open the app each time
– Requires an email address to join, however this can be a throwaway address from any domain such as gmail
– You will have a free number to use for text messaging or receiving text messages, and you can use this to sign up for other apps on the list if you so choose.
– Verification using a phone number that the app can text. You could use a TextFree number to receive this verification.
– App requires you to buy a package immediately during signup, so this is where my research ended
– Name and Email address required during Sign-Up. You can use a free email service to receive the verification.
– App requires you to buy a package immediately to receive a phone number, so this is where I stopped as well.
– Requires a number to Sign-Up. You CAN NOT use a TextFree number for this verification, it gives you an error about an Unsupported Carrier. So it will require your actual cell phone number sign up, and defeats the purpose of why we want the app.
– Requires a number when signing up. This can be a TextFree number.
– 7-Day Free Trial is available as well. So you can use this service, just remember to cancel it after the 7 days is up, unless you want the number for a longer period of time.
Choose which works best for you, or a combination of two apps. I liked the ability to get a free TextFree Number to receive the verifications from the other apps, and would suggest starting with that.
Check this list to ensure your routers/access points are listed as invulnerable before you purchase them. If they are vulnerable, find another make/model instead