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From time to time I still run into URL shorteners. I always wonder where it is going to send me, and if I can actually trust the link. This is especially worrisome when you run into URL shorteners on new sites. Well I found a way to note the actuall address of the site that it is trying to send you to.

All you have to do is copy the URL and put a plus at the end of it


Add the plus at the end of the URL

Place it in your address bar, and it will bring you to the page, showing the full URL

Now you can see that
goes to

Thanks for reading!


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The dreaded double dash issue is back in wordpress. This issue is where wordpress automatically reformats two dashes, into a single long dash. It needs to be removed in blogs like this ome, where many of the commands you see are infact double dashes. This is the quick fix for it.

Login into your site

Go to: Dashboard

Click Appearance

Select Theme Editor

Choose functions.php

Scroll to the bottom of the page and paste

add_filter( ‘run_wptexturize’, ‘__return_false’ );

Click Update

The issue is fixed

Make sure the ‘ symbol above is correct, if it is the apostrophe that slants forward it will not work. it has to the be the apostrophe character that is straight up/down

You will probably need to do this everytime you update your wordpress theme. So bookmark this page and come back when you need to fix it next time.


Have that annoying survey popup after every call. Asking you to rate the call, with stars, and you are just plain sick of seeing it.

Well do I have the solution for you.

When you are in Teams
Click on your Avatar in the top right of the screen
Select Settings
Click Privacy
Slide that Green button next to Survey from On, to Off

No more teams feedback ticklers


  • General

Here is a quick and easy how-to on turning off the lights on the MageGee Keyboards.

To do this, it is a simple combination of keystrokes

Hold down the Fn key

Press Esc twice

Your keyboard should not have the rainbow backlight anymore and you should be all set

How To Upgrade From Office 365 to Microsoft 365

This is a quick how-to when it comes to upgrading your subscription.

Go to


Click the Admin link

Navigate to Billing on the left and select Products & Services

Click on your Office 365 Subscription, in my case it is Office 365 Business Premium

Select Upgrade from the menu at the bottom of the screen

Find the plan that works for you. For me it was Microsoft 365 Business

Click Upgrade

Select the Billing cycle (Monthly or Yearly)

Click Go to checkout

Verify your billing information

Click Place Order

Your order is now complete and you can proceed to setting up the new features

Google Dorks

Search Handlers for Precise Results

Use one or a combination of these dorks when searching google, to narrow your results, and find precise information

cache: Search the cached version of any website (ex

allintext: Search text across all web pages (ex. allintext:google dorks)

intitle: Search for words in a page title (intitle:google dorks) Google will be searched as part of the title, and dorks has to be in the page somewhere

allintitle: Search page titles across all web pages (ex. allintitle:”Google Dorks”

inurl: Search for a single word in a URL (ex. inurl:dork)

allinurl: Search for a specific string contained in a URL (ex. allinurl:wp-admin)

filetype: Search for a specific file extension (ex. filetype:bak)

inanchor: Search text contained in a link (ex inanchor:”shodan dorks”)

intext: Search the text contained in a web page, across the internet (ex

intext:“how-to dork”)

link: List all pages with a certain link contained within (ex.

site: Shows a list of all indexed pages for a certain domain (ex.

Asterisk Wildcard – This will show you everything that could be, in the search results. Comes before, during, or after the search phrase (ex. intext:tactical*)

| – This will show all sites that contain a single word contained within a search, or a combination of words in the string (ex. google | dorks) will have results for google, for dorks, and for google dorks

link: List all pages with a certain link contained within (ex.
site: Shows a list of all indexed pages for a certain domain (ex.

“” – Insert a value between the quotes and this will show exact string results (ex. “Google Dorking”) will show all results with that exact text in that exact order

“+” – Used to find pages that use the the following words in the pages, in any order (ex. tacticalware + mining)

“–” – The minus sign will exclude results (ex. tacticalware – mining) will show results without information about mining

WordPress Double Dash Issue

  • General

Removing Code to Enable Double Dashes in WordPress

WordPress, by default, changes the code you place into posts and merges items like “–” into “-” so articles don’t show properly. To fix this error do the following:

Modify your site’s wp-includes/formatting.php file

***Make a Backup Copy of this file before you modify it, so you can roll back if it doesnt work***

Remove the following lines:

// Dashes and spaces
$dynamic[‘/—/’] = $em_dash;
$dynamic[ ‘/(?<=^|’ . $spaces . ‘)–(?=$|’ . $spaces . ‘)/’ ] = $em_dash;
$dynamic[‘/(?<!xn)–/’] = $en_dash;
$dynamic[ ‘/(?<=^|’ . $spaces . ‘)-(?=$|’ . $spaces . ‘)/’ ] = $en_dash;
$dynamic_characters[‘dash’] = array_keys( $dynamic );
$dynamic_replacements[‘dash’] = array_values( $dynamic );

Save the file

Now browse to the pages on your website and refresh the page/pages that had the issue. You should now see the Double Dash “–“