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Web Search Related Information, How-To’s, Tips, Tools, and Guides


This is the continuation of a series of articles, that help you divorce your life from BIG TECH. With the recent events in American Politics, the need for these guides has become apparent. I hope this guide assists in your journey to protect yourself.

For many years, chrome was my go-to browser. Quick, Efficient, and able to handle everything that I could throw at it…It also allowed an attack against me, from a Threat Actor, who I personally knew. This Threat Actor logged into my google account from their corporate office Tewksbury MA, and also again at their residence in Beverly MA. Once in they had logged into my gmail account, synchronized all of my passwords and sites, then began logging into all of my business and personal accounts. I personally, was able to successfully track the Threat Actor, and worked with the State Police, Attorneys General, and the FBI in matter. Aside from that instance, BIG TECH has run amock, and my data needs, must be removed from them moving forward. For this I chose to deprecate Chrome and use Firefox (good old firefox)

As you can see, direct from the firefox website, they understood my reasons already: “No shady privacy policies or back doors for advertisers. Just a lightning fast browser that doesn’t sell you out.

To install firefox on your Windows 10 computer
Open your browser and navigate to:
Click Download Now
Once the Firefox Installer downloads, Open the file and click Run
Click Next and the installtion will begin
Click Start Setup
Click Start Import
Select Chrome (or whatever other browser you use)
Click Next
Select Bookmarks
Don’t bring over Saved Logins and Passwords, use a password manager instead
Click Next
The import will run, and once completed click Finish
Select your Theme
Now click the Gear at the top right of your home page
Click Search
Change the Default Search Engine from Google to DuckDuckGo
And if you did not listen to me, and you brought over your Saved Logins and Passwords you will need to
Click Privacy & Security
Place a check mark in the box for Primary Password
Set a Primary Password, and Confirm it
Then click OK on the note that the password has been set

You are done! Happy and Safe Browsing!


This is the continuation of a series of articles, that help you divorce your life from BIG TECH. With the recent events in American Politics, the need for these guides has become apparent. I hope this guide assists in your journey to protect yourself.

If you are an iPhone / iPad user, you rely heavily on either Safari, or Chrome for your daily browsing. This guide will show you how to replace it with DuckDuckGo, and below the reasons will become apparent as to why.

On your iPad
Open the App Store
Click Search
Type in DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser
Click GET
Enter your Apple Password
The Application will now install

Once it has installed
Open the DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser
The welcome screen will appear, and it will explain the application to you.
Make sure you select Set as Default Browser
When selecting that, your Settings will open up
You will need to scroll down to DuckDuckGo and open the settings
Change Default Browser App from Safari, to DuckDuckGo
Once Done, you can Click DuckDuckGo at the top left corner of the screen to return to the app setup
Here you can now continue following the guide, which walks you through the user experience features
Key features to note are:
Your Searches ARE Anonymous
Your History is not stored after you close the app
The Fire Symbol will let you burn your browser data immediately
If Tracking cookies try to follow you, you will see the notification
Do not use, as DuckDuckGo cannot stop it from tracking you, if you search from that site
You can search using the address bar instead

Enjoy safe browsing!

Google Dorks

Search Handlers for Precise Results

Use one or a combination of these dorks when searching google, to narrow your results, and find precise information

cache: Search the cached version of any website (ex

allintext: Search text across all web pages (ex. allintext:google dorks)

intitle: Search for words in a page title (intitle:google dorks) Google will be searched as part of the title, and dorks has to be in the page somewhere

allintitle: Search page titles across all web pages (ex. allintitle:”Google Dorks”

inurl: Search for a single word in a URL (ex. inurl:dork)

allinurl: Search for a specific string contained in a URL (ex. allinurl:wp-admin)

filetype: Search for a specific file extension (ex. filetype:bak)

inanchor: Search text contained in a link (ex inanchor:”shodan dorks”)

intext: Search the text contained in a web page, across the internet (ex

intext:“how-to dork”)

link: List all pages with a certain link contained within (ex.

site: Shows a list of all indexed pages for a certain domain (ex.

Asterisk Wildcard – This will show you everything that could be, in the search results. Comes before, during, or after the search phrase (ex. intext:tactical*)

| – This will show all sites that contain a single word contained within a search, or a combination of words in the string (ex. google | dorks) will have results for google, for dorks, and for google dorks

link: List all pages with a certain link contained within (ex.
site: Shows a list of all indexed pages for a certain domain (ex.

“” – Insert a value between the quotes and this will show exact string results (ex. “Google Dorking”) will show all results with that exact text in that exact order

“+” – Used to find pages that use the the following words in the pages, in any order (ex. tacticalware + mining)

“–” – The minus sign will exclude results (ex. tacticalware – mining) will show results without information about mining

Data Leakage From Your Home/Mining Network

How to Scan and Identify Issues at the Perimeter of your Network

A question that has been asked multiple times is how do I know what my risk is at the border of my network….Miners and Wallet holders are concerned due to the increased risk of compromised wallets, and compromised mining rigs. So to answer this I will send you to a few quick places to do a spot check on your exposure.

  1. Find out your external IP by visiting
  2. Sign up for an account at
  3. Place your External IP in the search box on and see the results of your network. If there are known CVEs (vulnerabilities) on the open ports of your network, it will be displayed here. You MUST fix the issues identified by the CVEs
  4. Run a scan from outside of your network. Meaning, go visit your cousin, or some family member. Hop onto their network, and run the following nmap scan against your network. This scan is a lot more detailed, and will be a longer, slower process. But the resulting open ports and banners will give you more places to look in your quest to secure your network. Replace the with your External IP. nmap -sV –script=banner

There you have it. Some quick tools to see what the perimeter of your network looks like. Remember to follow up on every open port, banner, and CVE…lock your system down now before it is compromised.

ZMap and ZGrab Installation

Installing the packages on a Ubuntu 18.04 system

In the coming weeks I will be writing more about how to check the perimeter of your network, understand what data is leaking out from it, and how to safeguard your network, and especially your wallet from bad actors. These tools are the beginning, I will wrap it altogether piece by piece.

Log into your Ubuntu rig

Install zmap and zgrab

sudo bash

apt install zmap

apt install golang-go

go get

cd /home/USERNAME/go/src/

go build

Test it by running the following from a remote system, against your network

zmap -p 30303 (Your Public IP Here) –output-fields=* –output-file=results.csv | zgrab –port 30303 -banners –output-file=banners.json

Shodan.IO At A Glance

Some Helpful Search Handlers Listed Below

Within the search box on, you can mix and match combinations of each of the following below to gather together results:

To Search by Country

To Search by Vulnerability using the CVE from HERE

These are self explainatory
city:”New York”
net: – ip address or range
org:”Verizon Wireless” – organization
after:”25/12/2018″ – results after a certain date
before:”25/12/2010 “– results before a certain date
os: – operating system
isp: – ISP managing their Net Block
postal: – postal code
product: – name of software or product
version: – version of software
uptime: – how long a host has been up

To Exclude Certain Results add a “-” sign
-city:”New York”

Google Search Operators

Quick Reference
“search exact string”
word or word
word | word
“word * word” – acts as a wildcard rock * roll
word #..# – to display number ranges
word $ – searches prices
word in word – converts (10ft in cm)