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We are in 2024, entering into 2025, and most people still suffer from this ridiculous error, even after enabling long file names in GPEdit and also in the Registry.

To get around it, use ROBOCOPY

Open a command prompt as administrator

cd into the directory you want to copy from

know the path to the directory you want to copy the files to.

execute the command

the format will look like this:
robocopy . “D:\DestinationDirectory” /E /COPYALL /R:0

robocopy .
means robocopy everything in this directory and its sub directories


I have jumbo frames enabled on my Physical wired connection because I only use that for large data transfers, otherwise all my traffic is wireless.

Here is how I enabled Jumbo Frames

Right Click on Network Connections

Select Properties

Select the Physical NIC

Right Click and go to Properties

Click the Configure Button

Select the Advanced Tab

Scroll to Jumbo Frames and select it

Set the value to 9014 Byte

Thats it. It is enabled.


Most marketing emails contain a single pixel hidden in the email which tracks you. This pixel calls home, lets the marketers/spammers know that you opened the email, and begins tracking your movement through their system.

Here is how to block it within Outlook on your IOS device (ipad, iphone, etc)

Open Outlook

Click on the File

Select Options

Open Trust Center

Click on Trust Center Settings

Find Automatic Download

Place check mark in:
Don’t download pictures automatically in standard html…..
Don’t download pictures in encrypted or signed…..

Thats it! Tracking pixel disabled

Simplify3D Opens and Immediately Closes [SOLVED]

Simple fix for this issue. Please note that this will remove your FFF files, so make sure you have them backed up prior

Navigate to

Delete the folder named:

Now you can launch Simplify3D and the issue is fixed

LOKI Wallet – Windows Installation

How-To guide for installing the LOKI Desktop Wallet

This is a guide to installing the Windows version of the Loki Desktop Wallet.  Save your Wallet Seed and Password in a secure place.  Do NOT keep them on the same computer as your wallet.

Download the Loki-Gui-Win64 wallet from

Unzip/Extract the zipped folder loki-gui-win64 to your Desktop

Navigate to the Desktop of your computer

Open the new loki-gui-win64 folder

Double click on the start-low-graphics-mode.bat file

Loki will start

Select your Language

Click Create a New Wallet

Copy down your wallet seedDO NOT LOSE THIS

Click the next Arrow

Create a strong PasswordDO NOT LOSE THIS

Click the next Arrow

Click the next Arrow again

Click Use LOKI

Your wallet is now installed

To find out your wallet address, click Receive.  Once you have that, you can use that in your miners to receive payments



Mining with the Z270X Ultra-Gaming Motherboard

How-To Enable all 6 GPUs with the Z270X Ultra-Gaming Motherboard

I use a fair amount of the Gigabyte Z270X motherboards in my rigs, and have run into an issue where only 5 of the 6 GPUs will be seen by Microsoft Windows 10.  To get the 6th one to display there are a few steps, that I can list below.  The good news is your system will see the GPUs…Windows just doesnt know how to allow the OS to access them all.

First thing….install the latest BIOS for the motherboard.  You can get this from the Gigabyte manufacturer site.

Next, configure the bios by performing the following:


Press DEL

Enter Setup

On the M.I.T Tab, navigate to Miscellaneous Settings and select it.

Then select Max Link Speed

Scroll down to Gen 2 and select that option

Next you want to Navigate to the BIOS tab

Scroll down to Windows 8/10 Features and select that option

Make sure Windows 8/10 is selected, not Other OS

Scroll down to CSM Support and select that option

Set it to Disabled

You can now Save and Exit your Bios, reboot your rig, and all of your video cards will be functional.  If you find that you cannot boot your Windows installation, it may be that you need to install the OS using UEFI support.  If that is the case and you do not want rebuild at this time, simply undo the changes above and you are back to where you began.

Hardware I used in this build:
Motherboard (QTY 1):

CPU (QTY 1):

Memory (QTY 1):

Hard Drive (QTY 1):

Risers (QTY 6):

Power Supplies (QTY 2):

Add2PSU (QTY 1):

GPUs (QTY 6):

Power Switch (QTY 1):