INSTALL 7z (7-ZIP) ON KALI 2024.1
Open a terminal
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install p7zip-full
7zip will install
to zip a folder
7z a ZIPFILENAME.7z folder/
Open a terminal
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install p7zip-full
7zip will install
to zip a folder
7z a ZIPFILENAME.7z folder/
We are in 2024, entering into 2025, and most people still suffer from this ridiculous error, even after enabling long file names in GPEdit and also in the Registry.
To get around it, use ROBOCOPY
Open a command prompt as administrator
cd into the directory you want to copy from
know the path to the directory you want to copy the files to.
execute the command
the format will look like this:
robocopy . “D:\DestinationDirectory” /E /COPYALL /R:0
robocopy .
means robocopy everything in this directory and its sub directories
Here is how I configure NFS on my synoloy so that I can copy files from my synology over to my Ubuntu 22.04 AI system that uses a JBOD
Login into your synology
Click Control Panel
Click File Services
Select the NFS Tab at the top
Place a checkmark next to Enable NFS
I use NFSv3
Then Click Apply or Save/
Go back to Control Panel
Then select Shared Folder
Click on the Share that you want to Enable NFS on
Click Edit
Then click NFS Permissions
Select Create
Type in the IP for your Ubuntu 22.04 computer and make sure the rest of the settings are set just like the picture here:
Click Save
Then on your Ubuntu box you will want to
Open a Terminal
sudo su –
cd /mnt
sudo mount -t nfs /mnt/synology
replace Folder with your actual folder, and use the ip of the share you want to copy from
cd /mnt/synology
cp -R -v /mnt/synology/* /media/ubuntu/JBOD\ Disk\ 5/
this will copy everything from the synology folder that is connected to your synology, and it will place it into JBOD disk 5 (change the paths to whatever you need for you)
I have jumbo frames enabled on my Physical wired connection because I only use that for large data transfers, otherwise all my traffic is wireless.
Here is how I enabled Jumbo Frames
Right Click on Network Connections
Select Properties
Select the Physical NIC
Right Click and go to Properties
Click the Configure Button
Select the Advanced Tab
Scroll to Jumbo Frames and select it
Set the value to 9014 Byte
Thats it. It is enabled.
By default your MTU is 1500. Here is how you increase it to 9000 to enable Jumbo Frames, with no network impact. It will speed up your system because it does not have to repeatedly send the header info on every small packet.
Login into your Synology
Go to Control Panel
Select Network
Then go to Network Interface
Select Lan 1
Then press Edit
Checkmark MTU and set the value to 9000
Click Ok
Click Yes
Then do the same for Lan 2
Thats it. You now have jumbo frames
This is a common issue when you first install the synology.
To fix it you simply need to allow the proper permissions on the Share.
Log into your synology
Click Control Panel
Edit your Shares
And set the permissions as shown here:
Plex needs Read/Write access
Save it
Now you can go back to your Synology Plex App
Add the library
You will most likely find your files in Volume 1 \ Plex
Windows is slow…takes weeks to copy 15TB between two devices if you use explorer. Here is how you copy the files in hours instead of weeks.
On your Windows 11 computer
Open Explorer
Navigate to Synology 1
Map a Drive from your Windows 11 pc to the Synology Share
ex. Drive X will be \\Synology1\Share
Now do the same for Synology 2 and the share you want to map.
ex. Drive Y will be \\Synology2\Share
On your Windows 11 pc, now open PowerShell (not as Administrator, just open PowerShell)
robocopy ‘X:\FolderYouAreCopyingFrom’ ‘Y:\FolderYouAreCopyingTo’ /S /E /MT:32 /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS
example: robocopy ‘X:\SourceCode\Documents’ ‘Y:\NewSourceCodeRepo\Documents’ /S /E /MT:32 /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS /V
You will copy thousands of files per second over a 1GbE network
By default you cannot run it here.
However if you:
Shutdown the VM
Browse to the VM’s folder within VMWare’s Datastore Browser
Download the VM’s .vmx file
Open it with a text editor
add this to the bottom:
vhv.enable = “TRUE”
Save the file
Upload it back to the storage manager and overwrite the original .vmx
Power the VM back on, it will now work
Here is a quick how-to for the way I updated my portainer to the latest
SSH to the Raspberry Pi 5
sudo su –
docker stop portainer
docker rm portainer
docker pull portainer/portainer-ce:latest
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -p 9443:9443 –name=portainer –restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer-ce:latest
Open a browser, navigate to your Raspberry Pi 5:9443 and then login
Assuming you already have a Raspberry Pi 5 setup with Debian, and also assuming you have Docker installed, here is how you setup Pi-Hole
Open a terminal
sudo su –
cd /home/yourusername
rm (if it exists)
Copy this new docker script
Change America/Chicago to America/New York
Save and Exit
sudo chmod u+x
Pihole now installs
Open a web browser and navigate to the IP/admin for example (not https)
Login… or if you did not get your password during the setup (happens sometimes)
From the terminal
docker exec -it pihole bash
sudo pihole -a -p
Create a new password
Back to your browser, and login.